Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How can you tell a leopard from a cheetah?

: leopard cheetah

Why: I showed Katrina this picture,
and then this happened:
And then this happened:
And then this happened.

Answer: Their spots are way different!
The Quick Trick: It’s all in the spots. Cheetahs have simple black spots, while leopards have a more complex pattern.
They both live in sub-Saharan Africa. Points of note:

  • Have solid black round / oval spots
  • Have black "tear lines" that run from their eyes to their mouths to keep sunlight out of their eyes
  • Are smaller lankier than other big cats (and are not in the genus Panthera, like lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars)
  • Hunt during the day
  • Rely on bursts of speed
  • Move their same-sided legs together (both left, then both right)
  • Purr when they inhale
  • Can't roar
  • Have black and brown clustery spots called "rosettes" that simulate moving shadows
  • Have spots on their faces
  • Are gigantic
  • Rely on "surprise attacks"
  • Drag their prey up trees so they can eat at their leisure
  • Move their legs in diagonal pairs (front left-back right, front right-back left)
  • Only purr when exhaling
  • Roar

But which has cuter kittens?


Source: Mental Floss

The More You Know: But what about jaguars! They live in South America.
  • Have fewer larger rosettes with black spots in the middle
  • Have rounder heads and shorter limbs than leopards
  • Are the strongest of all the big cats
  • Bite directly through the skulls of their prey
  • Are goddamn enormous

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