Friday, July 22, 2011

Muslims and non-Muslims approaches to each other a little more than 5 years before the positive, but negative views of Muslims in Western countries is still in progress

WASHINGTON-Central Washington-based research center in Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, Indonesia and Palestine, the respondents described the non-Muslim Westerners as selfish and greedy.Bad relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in Palestine who think that the 72 percent rate, while the rate of 62 percent in Turkey and in Lebanon, Egypt, 60 percent, 58 percent in Jordan, Pakistan, 45 percent, in Indonesia was 41 percent.6 Western countries surveyed: France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, the United States and Russia, the participants said that the relations do not think 5 years is worse than before.France, Germany and Spain, the most negative views about relations with Muslims in Western countries as the countries came to the fore. In these countries, nearly 6 in 10 people has opinion in this direction. In Russia, this figure was less than 4 to 10.As for respect for women less than 30 percent of Westerners said the view that Muslims respect women.Poor relations, both sides blamed each other, but the U.S., Britain and France, accused the West more than a quarter who said relations are bad.Westerners, Muslims, Muslim countries should have greater economic prosperity when it comes to reflecting the consensus.Responsible for the policies of the current economic situation of Muslims in the West, while keeping their economies from being bad, he said the cause of corruption in the country. Democracy and the lack of training in extremist activities were counted among the reasons for the bad economy.11 September 2001 attacks in the United States almost 10 years later, the Middle East and Asia, continued concerns over extremism, Muslims and Westerners were also recorded.The terrorist organization al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, who began to write a book on Muslims in May after the murder of human rights activist Arsalan Iftikhar, Pew'un research had demonstrated that the idea of ​​distrust of Muslims in Western countries, he said.Between the end of March to the middle of May, the survey was

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